John’s grandpa made a breakfast of bacon and eggs for his visiting grandson. John noticed a film on his plate. “Are these plates clean?” “They’re as clean as cold water can get them.” At lunch John found that the plates had dried egg. “Are you sure these plates are clean?” “I told you dishes are as clean as cold water can get them. Now I don’t want to hear any more about it!” Later John was leaving, his grandpa’s dog growled, not letting him pass. John yelled, “Grandpa, your dog won’t let me get to my car.” The old man shouted, “Coldwater, go lie down!” 할아버지는 놀러온 손자 존을 위해 베이컨ㆍ달걀 아침 식사를 준비했다. 그런데 존은 그릇에 남은 음식물 흔적을 보고 물었다. “이거 깨끗한 그릇이에요?” “냉수(cold water)로 닦은 거니까 깨끗해.” 점심에 존은 그릇에 마른 달걀이 붙어있는 것을 봤다. “이거 정말 깨끗한 그릇 맞아요?” “냉수로 닦은거라고 말했잖아. 더는 대꾸하지 마라.” 이제 가려던 존은 할아버지의 애완견이 으르렁대며 길을 막아섰다. 존은 “할아버지, 개가 저를 못가게 해요”라고 소리쳤다. 그러자 할아버지가 소리치길, “야 냉수(Coldwater)야! 어서 가서 눕지 못해!”
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