On their fiftieth wedding anniversary, the husband said to his wife: Honey in all the years together, was there ever a time when you were unfaithful to me? The wife thinks for a bit and then says: Oh yes. Remember when you had lost your job and the bank was going to foreclose on the house. I saw the banker and we got the loan. The husband thinks for a bit and says: Wow honey, you saved our home; Was there ever another time? The wife says: Remember when you needed an operation or you would die, but we didn't have any insurance. I saw the doctor and you got the operation. The husband says: Wow honey, you saved my life; Was there another time? The wife says: Well there was just one other time. Remember when you were running for club president and you only needed 58 more votes? 결혼 50주년 기념일에 남편이 아내에게 물었다. "여보, 지난 시간 동안 나에게 충실하지 않은 적이 있었소?" 아내는 잠시 생각하더니 답했다. "있어요. 당신이 퇴사하고 은행에서 집을 압류하려 했던 때 기억나요? 내가 은행장과 만난 뒤 대출을 얻었죠." 남편은 잠시 생각하더니 말했다. "여보, 당신이 우리 집을 구했소. 혹 더는 없었소?" 아내가 답했다. "당신이 수술하지 않으면 죽게 됐을 때 우린 보험이 없었잖아요. 내가 의사를 만난 뒤 당신이 수술했어요." 남편이 말했다. "오 여보, 당신이 내 생명을 구했소. 혹 더는 없었소?" 아내가 말했다. "음. 꼭 한 번 더 있었어요. 당신이 클럽 회장선거에 출마했을 때 딱 58표가 모자랐던 거, 기억나요?"
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