"Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper."
"What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!"
"I know all that."
"Then, why did you invite a friend for supper?"
"Because the poor guy is thinking about getting married."
"여보, 오늘 저녁식사에 친구를 초대했어."남편이 아내에게 말했다.
"뭐라고요? 미쳤어요? 집안 꼴은 엉망이고, 장도 안 봤고, 설거지도 안 했단 말이에요. 근사한 요리상을 차릴 생각도 없어요!"
"나도 다 알아."
"그런데 왜 친구를 저녁식사에 초대했어요?"
"이 딱한 친구가 결혼을 하려고 한다잖아."
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