During a quarrel with his parents, the teenage son announced, "I want excitement, adventure, money, and beautiful women. I'll never find it here at home, so I'm leaving. And don't try to stop me!" As he headed for the door, his father followed him. "Didn't you hear me? Don't try to stop me!" "Stop you?" said his father, "I was thinking of joining you!" 부모와 말다툼을 벌이던 10대 아들이 선언을 했다."전 흥분과 모험과 돈, 그리고 예쁜 여자들을 원해요. 이 집에서는 결코 찾을 수 없는 것들이죠. 그러니 전 떠나겠어요. 절 붙잡을 생각은 마세요!" 그가 문을 향해 가는데 아버지가 뒤따라 왔다. "제 말 못 들으셨어요? 붙잡지 마시라니까요!" "붙잡다니?"아버지가 말했다. "나도 따라가려고 그런다!"
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