The judge was dining with the criminal psychologist.
"It's rather odd," said the judge, "But I haven't had a pickpocket brought to the courtroom in months."
"There's really nothing odd about it," explained the psychologist.
"Their season doesn't begin until May. In this cold climate people don't take their hands out of their pockets until then."
범죄 심리학자와 식사를 하면서 판사가 말했다. "이상한 일이지요? 몇 달 동안 소매치기 사건이 한 건도 없으니 말입니다."
그러자 심리학자가 설명했다. "이상할 것 없습니다. 그들은 5월이 돼야 제철을 만나거든요. 요즘같이 추운 날씨에는 호주머니에서 손을 빼는 사람이 없으니까요."
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