Jim found a message on his desk that the boss wanted to see him as soon as he arrived. The boss didn't look very happy when Jim reported to his office. The older man pointed at the newspaper on his desk. It was opened to the sports page, and there was a picture of smiling Jim, holding up the trophy for winning the local golf tournament the day before. "You called in sick yesterday!" the boss said. "What do you have to say for yourself?" There was a moment of silence, until Jim finally spoke up, "I was really surprised to win the tournament, sir. Think of the score I could have had if I hadn't been sick!" 짐은 책상 위에서 상사가 출근 즉시 면담을 원한다는 쪽지를 발견했다. 사무실로 찾아가 보니 상사의 기분이 안 좋아 보였다. 상사는 책상 위 신문을 손가락으로 가리켰다. 스포츠면이 펼쳐진 신문에는 전날 지역 골프대회에서 우승해 웃고 있는 짐의 사진이 실려 있었다. "어제 병가를 내지 않았나!"상사가 말했다. "뭐라고 해명할 텐가?" 잠시 침묵이 흐른 뒤 짐이 입을 열었다. "저도 대회에서 우승해서 정말 놀랐어요. 아프지만 않았으면 점수가 얼마나 더 좋았겠어요!"
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